
Fighter Jetd from China and Japan close Encounter in Disputed Sea

F-15 Eagle fighter aircraft from 305th Tactical Fighter Squadron (JAPAN)

Chinese and Japanese fighter jets had a close encounter over the disputed waters in the East China Sea as two planes from each side came face to face several times and allegedly locked radars to fire weapons.

Two Japanese fighters approached at high speed a two Chinese jets while carrying out a routine patrol, Beijing said Monday.

“Such provocative acts by the Japanese jets could easily cause accidents in the air, harming personal safety on both sides and destroying the peace and stability in the region,” the Chinese statement said. “We demand Japan to cease all provocative acts.”

On Tuesday, Japan denied that its fighter jets took any provocative actions during the encounter, saying they were scrambling against Chinese aircraft.

Deputy chief Cabinet secretary Koichi Hagiuda said Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force dispatched the F-15 Eagle fighter after spotting two Chinese warplanes approaching the Japanese waters.

“There is absolutely no evidence of provocative actions against the Chinese military aircraft by the Japanese side as in the Chinese defense ministry announcement,” he said. “There is no evidence whatsoever that fire-control radar was locked on.”

Fire-control radar is designed specifically to provide information (mainly target azimuth, elevation, range and range rate) to a fire-control system in order to calculate a firing solution.

Japanese newspaper said the Chinese aircraft refused to retreat despite being warned and that jets from both sides flew at each other several times.

Japanese jet then launched an infrared decoy against potential missile attacks.

Earlier last month, Japanese officials summoned China’s ambassador to protest the sailing of a Chinese navy ship near the disputed islands.

src: tankler

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